We are happy to announce exciting Science Tours during the conference week in July 2022. Here you can find an overview of the tours that are confirmed.
Date: All Science Tours take place Wednesday afternoon, July 6th
Time: Find the exact times in the registration form
Info: All Science Tours are free of charge, available places are limited.
Therefore, please register with the link below (only registered ICRS 2022 participants are allowed to attend the Science Tours).
Please bring and wear a FFP2 mask during any Science Tour.
Journey down to the ocean floor
MARUM produces fundamental scientific knowledge about the role of the ocean and the ocean floor in the total Earth system. The dynamics of the ocean and the ocean floor significantly impact the entire Earth system through the interaction of geological, physical, biological and chemical processes. These influence both the climate and the global carbon cycle, and create unique biological systems. Come with us on a journey down to the ocean floor and discover the secrets of the deep sea. In our deep-sea cinema we show videos taken by our diving robot at several thousand meters of water depth. A tour through MARUM will give you an overview on deep-sea technologies such as the MARUM-MeBo sea floor drill rig or the remotely operated diving robot MARUM-QUEST. Only the use of these underwater technologies enables research work at MARUM. MARUM is also home of the Bremen core repository of the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) where more than 155 kilometres of cores from the ocean floor are stored.
Come with us on a tour to visit the campus of Bremen University, where many different faculties are concentrated at one place! Join us on a walk over the elevated boulevard with its vibrant life, and from there, get an impression about campus atmosphere and diversity! As a highlight, you can discover the laboratories of Marine Ecology department at the Center for Environmental Research and Sustainable Technology (UFT). From there, we organized the 14th and the 15th ICRS. We will show you our marine aquarium facilities, where we culture a range of reef organisms for manipulation experiments that simulate future environmental conditions.
Corals, mangroves, seagrasses and more: The work of the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research
Since 1991, the Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) in Bremen has been studying coastal ecosystems in the tropics from a socio-ecological perspective. These include mangroves, coral reefs, seagrass meadows, but also rivers, estuaries, coastal waters and upwelling systems. ZMT scientists analyse the natural processes of these habitats and they explore the ecosystems’ interdependencies with the hinterland and the open ocean. The structure and functionality of tropical coastal ecosystems, resource use and resilience against human intervention as well as natural changes are at the centre of their studies. For our interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research – always in close cooperation with partners from around the globe – we work within a variety of disciplines, ranging from biology and ecology to biogeochemistry, geology, mathematical modelling, economics and sociology. On the ICRS science tour, we present highlights of our research and take you on a tour of our marine experimental facilities.
The true rulers of the world – investigating marine microbiology
During two thirds of the earth's history, microorganisms were the rulers of our planet. They developed an impressive variety of species and metabolic pathways. Even today, microorganisms play a key role in the design of the earth and the climate. At the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, we are investigating microorganisms in the world's oceans. What role do they play, what are their characteristics and how great is their biodiversity? What is the contribution of microorganisms to the global cycles of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur and iron? What does this mean for our environment and our climate? On a tour of our institute, you get to hear about our mission and selected research projects as well as get a glimpse of our labs and workshops.
Maritime Robotics Lab Tour
The Robotics Innovation Center is one of 20 research departments of the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the leading research centre for AI software in Germany. The RIC in Bremen consists of two buildings with several laboratories for the areas of maritime and space robotics, virtual reality and mobility. At the beginning of the visit at the Robotics Innovation Center, Leif Christensen, Team Leader Maritime Robotics, will give an introductory talk on the past ten years in robot development, focussing on autonomous systems for maritime applications. Afterwards, a guided tour through the laboratories will be offered, including a visit to the Space Exploration Hall with its artificial moon crater for space robotics and the Maritime Exploration Hall with its 3.4 million litre saltwater basin, a test site for underwater robotics that is unique in Europe.
Cold-water corals from Comau Fjord (Chile)
The tour will start at the congress centre in Bremen. Together with the hosts, the participants will travel by train to Bremerhaven to visit the aquarium facility of the section Bentho-Pelagic Processes at the Alfred-Wegener-Institute. Solitary cold-water corals from Comau Fjord (Northern Patagonia, Chile), Desmophyllum dianthus and Caryophyllia huinayensis are cultured there and investigated under different pCO2 and temperature conditions. We also hope that we will have Caryophylliarecruits in the basins. We study their growth during the very early phase of skeletal formation. The stay time at the AWI will be 1.5 hours in total, travel time one-way is 1 hour by train.
Please note:
You attend all tours at your own risk. The organiser does not take any responsibility.
Each tour requires a minimum number of participants. If this number of participants is not reached the organiser reserves the right to cancel the tour.