The situation regarding COVID-19 remains dynamic. Though we are allowed to meet in person, we still need to be careful. During the 15th ICRS, we will be strictly following all current COVID-19 regulations granted by the appropriate German authorities (please see links below).
At this time, COVID testing and vaccination is not required to enter Germany, and masks are not required indoors in Germany. Masks are still required on public transportation, though that may stop soon. Our precaution measures at ICRS 2022 to minimize COVID infection risks of participants include that we care for maximum aeration.
All rooms and halls are mechanically aerated using interior ventilation technology. The ventilation systems in the event areas are dimensioned according to DIN 4108 Part 2 and/or DIN 1946 Part (currently EN13779). The systems are designed for a performance of 22-30 m³/h per person. The ventilation systems are operated with the highest possible volume of fresh air. The target value is 100% fresh air (depending on the temperature). All halls feature air quality sensors which measure temperature, humidity and CO².
We also provide 1.500 free high-quality face masks for arriving participants at Bremen airport on Saturday and Sunday and during batch pickup on Sunday and Monday.
We also recommend to do daily self-tests before entering the venue. Please do not attend the 15th ICRS, if you do not feel well or display any COVID symptoms. In this case, please self-isolate, get tested, and rather join virtually. If you want to do an official test, please consider one of the test centers in close vicinity to the convention center mentioned below. These centers provide free testing opportunities for everybody, including tourists from other countries.
In general, you can minimize your individual COVID infection risk by wearing face mask, by keeping social distance, and by following all plenary events plus many sessions via the live stream on the virtual platform when feeling uncomfortable, because of difficulties in social distancing during crowded plenary events or sessions. During the ICRS Night, i.e. conference dinner on Thursday evening, there will be an outside area, where a limited number of people can sit and eat.
Please check with the Federal Foreign Office for entry and quarantine regulations and with the German Federal Ministry of Health for current information for travellers.
Additional information:
FAQ: Questions and answers all around the coronavirus
Closest COVID test centers that provide free testing:
Test Center Bremen City Gate, Bahnhofsplatz 42, 28195 Bremen (Google maps)
Test Center Bremen Down Town, Bahnhofstraße 36, 28195 Bremen (Google maps)
Test Center Jan-Reiners-Center, Hemmstrasse 212, 28215 Bremen (Google maps)
Website (in German) to find additional test centers: Test center Bremen