Code of Conduct of the 15th International Coral Reef Symposium

By registering for the ICRS 2022, you agree to the following terms:
a) Disrespectful, intimidating, threatening, harassing, abusive or otherwise exclusionary conduct of any kind is prohibited. This applies to all participants: attendees, presenters, exhibitors, staff, vendors, etc. Report unwelcome or unsafe behaviors immediately as detailed below, both if you experience them or observe them. Do not report via social media.
b) Communicate professionally and constructively, handling dissent and disagreement with courtesy, dignity and an open mind, being respectful when providing feedback, and being open to alternative points of view.
c) Be considerate of other’s participation - everyone should have the opportunity to be heard.
d) Participants must obey all applicable laws and regulations of the German government authorities while attending ICRS 2022.
e) Participants must comply with all applicable safety guidelines related to the conference venue.
f) Drink alcohol responsibly and respect the decision of others not to drink. Beer and wine will be offered at some official social events.
g) Participants will share information responsibly and clearly distinguish individual opinion from fact.
h) Personal information, experiences, photographs and data may only be shared with explicit consent.
i) Cell phones, laptops and other electronic devices must be turned off or silenced before entering a session. Participants should step out of session rooms to make calls or send emails or texts, as the back lighting on electronic devices is distracting to other participants.
j) Anyone requested to stop unacceptable behavior is expected to immediately comply.

Reporting Unacceptable Behavior:
a) If you are the subject of unacceptable behavior or have witnessed any such behavior as a bystander, please immediately notify the ICRS 2022 Safety Officer, or an ICRS 2022 staff member.  For delegates who wish to lodge a complaint of harassment, the ICRS 2022 Safety Officer will be available and readily identifiable. Notification should be done by contacting the ICRS 2022 Safety Officer on-site or via e-mail as soon after the event as possible (the ICRS 2022 Safety Officer’s email address will be made available to all participants).
b) The Safety Officer will be responsible for reporting incidents to the ICRS 2022 organizing committee.
c) Anyone experiencing or witnessing behavior that constitutes an immediate or serious threat to public safety, or a criminal act is expected to alert the local authorities, e.g. Police, such as by dialing the local emergency services, Call: 110 (Police), 112 (Emergency telephone number). Those witnessing a potential criminal act should also take actions necessary to maintain their own personal safety.
d) Reporting should never be done via social media.

Consequences of Unacceptable Behavior:
a) The ICRS 2022 organizing committee and their designated representative or venue security may take any action deemed necessary and appropriate, including immediate removal from session, meeting or associated conference events, without warning and potentially without refund.
b) The International Coral Reef Society reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meetings.
c) Under suspected criminal circumstances, Bremen legal authorities will be contacted.